Month: February 2023

Lent is a penitential season, and is comprised of the forty days before Easter Sunday. It begins with Ash Wednesday; the day when we receive a visible sign of of penance and humility.

A message from Bishop Jos following the arrest of a suspect in the Moscow murders Dear sisters and brothers, Peace to you, your loved ones, and your communities. I’m sure many of you are following the news regarding the heart-wrenching murders of University of Idaho students Ethan, Madison, Xana, and Kaylee. I imagine many, myself included, continue to be shocked…

Bishop Tharakan invites you to join a diocesan-wide Lenten Study of the book “Things Hidden” by Fr. Richard Rohr. In this book Fr. Rohr invites us to Discover how reading the Bible can change our life. The Bible is meant to be about transformation, not merely information. In Things Hidden, Richard Rohr invites you to experience Scripture as spirituality – as a…

Episcopal Church in Idaho is a beautiful and vibrant community spread out over 27 congregations around the state. With over 70+ outreach ministries caring for our neighbor, we are humbled and grateful to serve God by serving people and places in need. We are seeking partners who will work towards justice through authentic living. We are seeking friends who will respect…